
Showing posts from February, 2023

Set Up Your Business, Shared On Facebook With Family and Crickets...

Crickets or tumbleweed. We have all done it and some of us a few times and still haven't learnt - well, the thing is no one has told you not to. So here goes!  Don't spam your Friends and Family with your new business idea. Well, that was easy. Bye! Okay seriously, there is a very good reason. You are making them uncomfortable and Pi$$ing them off.  Sorry, but it's true and you know it, I am sure someone has done it to you. Looking at this logically you have what 500 friends and family on Facebook surely one wants it? - yes of course they do!  How can you make sure you are getting just those who are interested? Here are my 3 easy steps for sorting your Facebook Friends' spamming dilemma. 1. Go into Facebook and on the sidebar click Friends 2. Create Custom Lists. 3. Move those 500 people into those lists -  i.e -  Family (definitely not interested)  Family (Maybe) Friends (definitely not interested) Friends (Maybe) Workplace Colleagues (definitely not inter...

By not nurturing your email list you are killing your business.

Really! Well, yes. So many small business owners attend training from Amy Porterfield, Jeff Walker and the other greats and come away understanding that their email list is the lifeblood of their business and quickly jump into the action of building lead magnet after lead magnet to grow their list. All good right? Well, it would be if you had a plan in place to look after these people who downloaded your lead magnet...   You get so excited that you got that email address, you forget that is just the start. The chase of getting that email address is not the reward, no, it's the follow-up, the sale, the converting them to a warm or hot lead. The reason for getting the email is to execute and make money from your  list - if that isn't the reason why are you building it at all?  Someone signs up, they exchange their email address for your free wise words on that PDF or similar and then just as you establish yourself as someone who knows what...
Are you a fan of Newsletters? Oh yes, love them or hate them they provide businesses with 50% of their sales and they are a way of having that private audience with your ideal customer! What do I mean? How many of you read emails in bed or in the bathroom? Well if I knocked on your door and asked if I could come and share something about my business with you while you were sitting on the toilet, having a bath or laying in bed you would think I was crazy! But you will read my emails in these really private places - and this is just as good! So firstly if you are not sending regular emails, please start, even if you only have 5 people on your list and 2 of those are family! It's the habit you need to start - today... now don't panic! When it comes to building a list you don't mind creating the lead magnet and the freebie but then following up and creating that sale email can seem icky! I get you, I personally hate those emails where I opt-in to get a PDF or a free video and t...