Page or Group? What's The Difference?


This is a question I get asked time and time again.

What's the difference between a Facebook Page and a Facebook Group?

I have 4 things to consider, these will help you decide

1- How much time do you have?
2 - Your aim/plan?
3 - Free or paid?
4 - Open or closed?

What do these mean, well read on...

There are a few differences but the first thing to consider when setting either up is the time you have to dedicate to it.

Let's look at it...

You have 1 hour a week to be 'social' on Facebook - adding posts, replying to people building trust, potentially selling etc.

1 hour isn't a lot of time unless used wisely - (see my other blog on posting to social channels with a 6-month plan)

The second thing is...what is my aim?

Yep, without a plan on what you wish to do, it's easy to do anything and move forward but really it's about knowing where you are going while moving forward that makes the difference... you can get lost even if you go straight remember!

Next look at those who you wish to serve with your page or group. Have they paid you anything?

I ask as generally, you wish to look after those who have paid you and want to nurture those who haven't yet spent money with you... true?

So finally you need to consider, is it private or public?

The information you will be sharing is it for everyone or only a select group of people. 

Once you have answered these questions, that should help you to decide.

A Facebook Page is like a shop window, post what you like here and really show off your skills, products etc and especially yourself - people buy from people!

A (closed private) group - is the best type of group, reserved for paying, consistent customers or memberships. It would be used as an online meeting place and notice board.

An (open) group - is as the word suggests is open, and anyone can join, these groups can grow quickly and yes you can sell into them but the maintenance of a group like this can be very time-consuming. 

People love being looked after so remember if they are in a group you need to give them time and answer their questions if they don't get anything from you or benefit from the group they will leave!

My advice would always be to set up a Facebook Page first and then only move paid customers to a group so you can look after them more.

If you have a large paid group please consider hiring someone to help with engagement. 

Both Pages and Groups need to have your time, engagement will grow your business.

Join my Facebook Masterclass to learn how to master both!


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